Welcome to the Sleep Health Project


Welcome! The main objectives of the Sleep Health Project at The University of Texas at Arlington are (1) to promote sleep health through sleep education and evidence-based resources and to (2) empower social workers and other behavioral health professionals to promote sleep health among their clients, particularly systematically disadvantaged populations.

Why is sleep important?

According to the CDC, getting good sleep is essential for our physical and emotional health. Some health benefits of good quality sleep are reduced stress, improved mood and attention, and lowered risk for type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.


How can I improve my sleep?

You can check out our Resources page to find different sleep assessments, tools, and educational material to improve sleep. Our Publications page contains all of the articles that Dr. Christine Spadola has written or contributed to, with links to every article. We hope you enjoy reading them. Thank you for visiting the Sleep Health Project!